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Animal Communication Mastery Series
Break through the layers of cultural conditioning that separate you from total connection and communication with animals. See, hear, smell, touch, taste, feel, and experience the world through other beings perspectives. Understand animals to depths unimagined. Learn how to help resolve animal behavior and emotional issues, illness, and pain and deepen mutual understanding and cooperation. This series of six compact disc recordings on four major topics covers the theory and practice of directly communicating mind-to-mind and heart-to-heart with other species. Filled with timeless and many-layered wisdom, you can listen to these recordings again and again for growth in understanding and skill. Your animal friends may want to listen along with you. The wealth of knowledge and insight on these recordings has helped many animal communicators begin their careers and improve their professional practice. 1. How to Communicate with Animals Practice simple, basic steps extended from the techniques in the classic book, Animal Talk. (Not as comprehensive as the exercises and pointers in the How to Communicate with Animals The Basic Course CD set) (1 hour) 2. Animal Intelligence and Awareness How intelligent are animals? Is Homo sapiens the only species that is self-aware? Find out about animals' comprehension, reasoning, and awareness based on actual communication and observable responses from animals. (1 hour) 3. Understanding Animals' Viewpoints Get the "inside story" on how animals view humans and the world around them. Numerous experiences reveal animals' purposes, sense of humor, deep feelings, and spiritual insights. Release blocks to your full connection with other species. (2 hours) 4. Healing and Counseling with Animals Learn straightforward methods to help animals through emotional trauma, fear, injury, illness, and dying (not a substitute for veterinary assistance but ways to promote healing). Bodywork and counseling in-person and at a distance. Contacting animals who have died. Entities. Insight into Penelope s seasoned approach to counseling with animals. (2 hours)