El libro de Marcelo Rittner te dice cómo el dolor "que te ciega, te enfurece" es un sentimiento que tienes que vencer para convertirlo en un camino de liberación, para darte cuenta de que la esencia de ese ser querido, ese amigo, ese conocido, sigue acompañándote, guiándote, y de que realmente no lo has perdido. Aprenderás a agradecer a Dios, pues te enseñará que Él nunca te coloca pruebas que no puedas enfrentar; que el tiempo solo no cura; y que es la lealtad a la vida la que nos permite aprender a decir adiós.
¡Todos los que han perdido a un ser querido deben leer este libro!
How can we spiritually face death? What can you tell a pair of parents who just lost their child? What kind of words are appropriate for the family of a young woman who never reached maturity? Or a young widow and her children, who cannot understand how "this" could happen to a good man? Why him, or her? Why now? How can God take the life of such a noble person while so many evildoers are still around? Why them and not me?
This book shows us how pain, which blinds and angers us, is a feeling that must be overcome in order to gain the freedom necessary to realize that the essence of that lost loved one is still with us, guiding us, and has not been lost. We will learn how to thank God, who never tests us in ways we cannot overcome; we will learn that time alone is not enough to heal, and that it is our loyalty to life that allows us to learn to say goodbye.