The Wehrmacht's Last Stand: The German Campaigns of 1944-1945 (Modern War Studies (Hardcover))
Vitebsk: The Fight and Destruction of Third Panzer Army (Die Wehrmacht im Kampf)
Tank Battles in East Prussia and Poland 1944-1945: Vilkavishkis, Gumbinnen/Nemmersdorf, Elbing, Wormditt/Frauenburg, Kielce/Lisow
Panzers East and West: The German 10th SS Panzer Division from the Eastern Front to Normandy
Der Tiger: Vol. 3: Schwere Panzerabteilung 503
The SS-Division Wiking in the Caucasus 1942-1943 (Green Series)
Forgotten Archives 2: The Lost Signal Corps Photos
The Forgotten Battle of the Kursk Salient: Army Detachment Kempf’s Auxiliary Offensive
Blood in the Forest: The End of the Second World War in the Courland Pocket