Arthritis Diet: Anti-Inflammatory Foods That Relieve Arthritis and Reduce Joint Inflammation
Have you been diagnosed with arthritis and want to heal your body naturally? Have you heard that certain foods feed inflammation and wondered what they are and how they work? Or are you just tired of the joint pain and aching slowing you down? Arthritis is a chronic condition characterized by widespread pain in the joints. One in five adults in the US reported having an arthritis diagnosis from their doctor, and the CDC predicts that by 2030, over 67 million Americans ages 18 and older will be diagnosed with arthritis. In addition, arthritis can play a major role in other chronic diseases such as lupus, fibromyalgia and gout. Learning about the role that foods can play in reducing inflammation can help to control the pain of arthritis, as well as reduce inflammation throughout your body. What is the Arthritis Diet? The Arthritis Diet is not about eating €œspecific€ foods, but rather about understanding the role that certain foods play in either creating or reducing inflammation in your body. By learning how your foods interact systemically, you can begin to make choices about what you eat that will ultimately help you to feel better and reduce the painful swelling and inflammation that arthritis produces in your body. The focus of this book is€¦ This book is focused on helping you understand how the foods you eat react in your body, and how you can choose foods that help you to€¦ € Curb inflammation. Because arthritis is characterized by widespread inflammation throughout the body, the first goal is to choose foods that reduce inflammation and help to keep it from happening again. € Protect against chronic disease. Inflammation can lead to other chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and rheumatoid arthritis (which is completely different than osteoarthritis). By controlling the inflammation, you reduce your risk of developing these conditions. € Help to manage your weight. Excess weight places a strain on your body and can lead to further inflammation and stress on your joints. Other benefits found in this book include€¦ € Highlighting and explaining the various substances found in your food and how they affect you. € Identifying foods that can increase the inflammation in your body. € Breaking down healthy foods and identifying them according to their food group, discussing how they help and how to use them. This book is not meant to tell you exactly what to eat, but rather to help you understand your food and make the choices that are ultimately best for you. While you can €œfollow€ this book if you choose, we encourage you to use it as a tool to help you develop a diet that works for you and ultimately results in reducing your arthritis symptoms so that you feel better. By basing your diet on the foods that you enjoy, you increase your chances of success. Tags: arthritis, diet, inflammation, anti-inflammatory, foods, joint pain, joint inflammation, arthritis relief, arthritis cure, natural cure, arthritis diet, joint stiffness