As A Thief In The Night: 20th Anniversary Edition
The much acclaimed, number one selling LDS reference book on the prophecies and events of the last days by Roger K. Young has been expanded and updated with over 40 more pages of information and over 100 more scriptural references. A must for any student of the scriptures and the prophecies of the last days.
"As a Thief in the Night" has quietly become one of the top sellers among LDS religious works and is quickly on its way to becoming an LDS Reference Library mainstay, having sold out 8 printings in just six years. Not only is it an outstanding reference book on the last days with over 500 verified LDS references on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, but it is a "good reading book" and leaves you spiritually uplifted even though it describes in some detail the troublesome times that lie ahead. If you teach gospel doctrine, Sunday school, are preparing for a mission or you just want to understand the times we live in and what lies ahead concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, you should read this book. This is a resource/reference book to assist in identifying kingdoms and events of the last years before the second coming of Jesus Christ. An easy to understand compilation of over 500 scriptural references Prophetic/Apostolic quotes, (from verified LDS sources), and explanations concerning the events during the last years leading up to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.