Assembly Language: Simple, Short, and Straightforward Way of Learning Assembly Programming
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Assembly Language: Simple, Short, and Straightforward Way of Learning Assembly Programming
This Assembly Language book is carefully formatted to be kindle friendly. Read on mac, pc, tablet, smart phone, fire, etc. This book is intended for beginners who would like to learn the basics of Assembly Programming. This book uses Simple words, Short sentences and Straightforward paragraphs. The simplest way to learn Assembly Programming . The topics covered in this book includes a brief introduction to assembly, common arithmetic instructions, character and string input and display routines, flow controls including conditional and looping statements, stack, and procedures. This assembly language book is intended for complete beginners in assembly programming. However, it is assumed that the reader has prior or basic knowledge with other programming language. This book includes screenshots of step by step of how to code, compile, link and run assembly programs. This book is full of working sample assembly programs and after reading this book, the reader would be able to develop assembly programs based particularly from problems given in computer science courses.
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Topics covered:
1. Chapter 1 - Introduction to Assembly Language 1.1 What is Assembly Language? 1.2 CPU REGISTERS 1.2.1 General Purpose Register 1.2.2 Segment Registers 1.2.3 Pointer Registers 1.2.4 Index Registers 1.2.5 Control Registers
2. Chapter 2 - Our First Assembly Program 2.1 Assembly Program Structure 2.1.1 Fundamentals of Assembly Instructions 2.1.2 The MOV instruction in Assembly 2.1.3 The INT instruction in Assembly 2.1.4 Reserved words in assembly 2.2 Running our first Assembly program 2.2.1 How to install TASM? 2.2.2 Writing the Assembly Program Codes 2.2.3 Compiling (Assembling), Linking and Running the Program
3. Chapter 3 - Input/Output Routines in Assembly Language 3.1 Simplified Segment Directives 3.2 Output Routines 3.3 Input Routines
4. Chapter 4 - Arithmetic Instructions in Assembly 4.1 Introduction to Arithmetic Instruction 4.2 The ADD Instruction (Addition) 4.3 The SUB Instruction (Subtraction) 4.4 The INC Instruction (Increment) 4.5 The DEC Instruction (Decrement) 4.6 The IMUL and MUL Instructions (Multiplication) 4.7 The IDIV and DIV Instructions (Division) 4.8 Handling numeric data 4.8.1 Algorithm in printing 2 digit number 4.8.2 Algorithm in printing 3 digit number 4.8.3 Algorithm in accepting 2 digit number 4.8.4 Algorithm in accepting 3 digit number
5. Chapter 5 - Flow Control Instructions in Assembly 5.1 Conditional Control 5.1.1 Conditional Jumps 5.1.2 Unconditional Jump 5.2 Loop Control 5.2.1 Conditional Loop 5.2.2 Counter Controlled Loop
6. Chapter 6 - Stack in Assembly 6.1 What is Stack? 6.1.1 PUSH operation 6.1.2 POP operation 6.2 Stack Simulation 6.3 Stack Oriented Program
7. Chapter 7 - Procedures/Subroutines in Assembly 7.1 Defining a Procedure 7.2 Calling a Procedure 7.3 Procedure Oriented Program
8. Chapter 8 - More assembly sample programs 8.1 OddEven Program 8.2 Legal Age Program 8.3 Alphabet Program
List of sample Assembly programs:
1. Prints Char 'X' 2. Prints 'X' 10times in Red Text Over Black BG 3. Prints 2 string variables 4. Clears Screen and Print a String 5. Sets color Attribute in screen 6. Sets cursor position on screen 7. Accepts 1 char and print it 5 times 8. Ask username and print welcome message 9. Prints Sum of 2 numbers 10. Increments and Decrements an entered number 11. Prints the quotient and remainder of entered numbers 12. Prints the sum and product of entered numbers 13. Prints the greatest number from entered numbers 14. Prints 9 to 1 using Loop 15. Prints 1 to 9 using Loop 16. Reverses string using stack 17. Prints number of character in string using procedure 18. Checks if entered number is odd or even 19. Checks if entered age is legal age 20. Checks the vowels, consonants, lower and uppercase in a string