Please check the size table in the pics before you order
Note : Style 2 needs you tie the shoulder girdle cross on the back by yourself
Our Model Information: Height 175cm, Bust 33.3", Waist 24.3", Hip 35.3",she is fit for M size
Style1 Size Measurement: M = US S : Bust 21.8"-31.2"---Length (without strap) 23.4"---Waist(G-string) 25.0"-29.3" L = US M : Bust 22.6"-32.4"---Length (without strap) 24.2"---Waist(G-string) 25.2"-30.3" XL = US L : Bust 23.0"-33.1"---Length (without strap) 24.6"---Waist(G-string) 25.4"-30.4" XXL = US XL : Bust 24.2"-35.1"---Length (without strap) 25.4"---Waist(G-string) 26.9"-32.0" 3XL = US XXL : Bust 25.4"-37.1"---Length (without strap) 26.1"---Waist(G-string) 28.5"-33.5" Our Model Information: Height 175cm, Bust 33.3", Waist 24.3", Hip 35.3",she is fit for M size
Style2 Size Measurement: M : Bust-31.2"-35.1" Waist-31.2" Length (Not included strap)-26.5" L : Bust-32.0"-36.7" Waist-33.2" Length (Not included strap)-27.3" XL : Bust-32.8"-37.8" Waist-34.3" Length (Not included strap)-27.7" XXL : Bust-33.2"-39.0" Waist-34.7" Length (Not included strap)-27.9" 3XL : Bust-33.5"-40.6" Waist-35.1" Length (Not included strap)-28.1"