Package Dimensions :20.32 Cm L X24.13 Cm W X3.81 Cm H
Product Type :Auto Accessory
Package Quantity :1
Package Weight :3.0Lbs
Fan Wiring Harness
AC Wiring Harness Kit
40 amp Relay
This kit is designed to operate electrical fans in conjunction with an air conditioning system. To prevent damage to the A/C system the electric fans should move air through condenser when the A/C is turned on. It is compatible with all vehicles and wiring harnesses. It can be used on a positive or negative ground 12 volt DC vehicle. This kit can be used with Be Cool Wiring Harness Kits #75021, #75032, #75098, #75100, #75117, or #75104. The wiring harness is protected by many weatherproof components. However, care should be taken to position the components where it will be as dry as possible and the least exposed to extreme temperatures.