BOYULL Feng Shui Citrine Gem Stone Wealth Porsperity 12mm Bracelet with Pi Xiu/Pi Yao, Attract Wealth and Good Luck, Deluxe Box Included
Pi Yao/Pi Xiu, also called "Bixie" or "Tian Lu", is a legendary auspicious creature in ancient China. Without an anus, it has a huge mouth which can swallow wealth in the world without expelling it. With such a peculiar ability, it is thought to be able to attract wealth from everywhere and to ward off ill fortunes and bring good fortune. It is known for wealth attracting and is one of the five auspicious animals in ancient China (the other four are dragon, phoenix, tortoise and Kylin).
About Citrine
Citrine contains a solar quality of energy, this is why it is traditionally considered a good healing crystal . It can help strengthen self-esteem and a positive, vibrant flow of energy in and around one's body.
Attention Please: Seller 'Wenmily' is the only owner of BOYULL brand. None of the other sellers on the Amazon has Wenmily's permission to sell the product.Buying this bracelet from other sellers does not guarantee the quality of the product.