Baby Born mommy make Me better features lifelike ways to "cure" her.
Press her chest and hear her heart beat with the stethoscope
Press her back and she cries while her cheeks turn red. She stops crying when given her pacifier/thermometer. Red cheeks disappear when fed with the medicine spoon
Press her tummy and she laughs
Includes: soft body doll with pacifier/thermometer, medicine, stethoscope
Baby Born has touched the hearts of millions of children around the world, making them proud doll parents. As "Doctor mom," you'll have to help your little patient get well with a bit of care and a whole lot of love. This doll lets little ones play Doctor as they try to figure out what is ailing baby and how to make her all better again. The doll will start crying and her cheeks will turn red with Fever when something is wrong. It's up to you to help her get well again!