This oversized board bookis designed to introduce youngsters to the world of numbers and to assist inunderstanding the significance of numbers and counting in their everyday world. With beautiful illustrations, captivatingphotographs of familiar objects all in repetitive sequences, youngsters will beginto understand numbers!
Baby Einstein Books is an imprint of developmentallyappropriate, interactive books designed to introduce children ages 0-3 toclassic poetry, art, and foreign languages in a fun and accessible way. A combination of playful images,beautiful photography, and bold illustrations with multilayered text willcaptivate and stimulate babies and young children. This “humanities for babies†program, based on theaward-winning video series, taps into the natural learning potential of youngchildren—and their parents’ aspirations for them.
The Baby Einstein Company,founded in 1997 by stay-at-home mom Julie Aigner-Clark, has produced numerousvideos, CDs, cassettes, DVDs, flash cards, and puppets, and has receivedseveral awards and citations for its work. The company is extending its brandthrough sales in the mass market, as well as through its licensing relationshipwith Hasbro for toys. Other licensing relationships in interactive multimediaand television are in the works.