Bead & Button
Enjoy the first, the best, the complete resource for beaders. Article after article, project after irresistible project, Bead & Button gives avid beaders a wealth of:
Easy-to-follow illustrated tips
Excellent sources for beautiful beads
All the practical know-how you demand
Every issue of Bead & Button includes fun, expert tutorials on beadwork stitches you'll want to know. From Peyote and Herringbone to Brick Stitch and Right-Angle Weave, they're versatile enough to try on a necklace, bracelet, or stunning pair of earrings! At Bead & Button we test every innovative design, clever reader tip, and timesaving technique we feature. This way you can start each step-by-step project with confidence and end up with stunning jewelry you'll be proud to wear.The Kindle Edition of this magazine includes Page View. In Page View, your magazines look just like the printed edition with all the photos and formatting.