Bedwetting and Accidents Aren't Your Fault: Why Potty Accidents Happen and How to Make Them Stop
From the authors of "It's No Accident," the definitive book on childhood toileting troubles, comes a supportive, engaging, highly informative, and cleverly illustrated book for children from preschool through elementary age. Older kids will appreciate the respectful tone and amusing illustrations. Little ones will love Dr. Pooper and the wily rabbit. A must-read for preschool and elementary teachers and family therapists, too! Readers will learn what really causes most accidents: a clogged colon, which presses on and irritates the bladder. The book urges families not wait around for children to outgrow accidents or bedwetting and explains how to make the troubles stop for good. A Q&A with Dr. Hodges at the end explains the research behind his approach. This book is an ideal companion to The M.O.P. Book, which explains in detail the therapies described in Bedwetting and Accidents Aren't Your Fault. The same characters appear in "Dr. Pooper's Activity Book and Poop Calendar for Kids."