Beginner Intermediate And Advanced Hot Rod Techniques For Guitar: A Wiring Guide For The Fender Stratocaster
IF YOU OWN A STRAT, THEN YOU NEED THIS BOOK! Learn step by step how to completely wire a Stratocaster and all of the potentiometers, capacitors, switches, ground wires, hot wires, pickups, output jack, and bridge ground. Even if you dont own a Fender, this guide will teach you how to wire a guitar with 1, 2, or 3 pickups. There are a ton of modifications you can do to your guitar for dirt cheap. This book will also show you some secret "hot rod" techniques that the pros use like: coil tapping, coil cutting, phase switching, series wiring, parallel wiring, bridge-on switching, toggle switching, mini toggle switching, varitone switching, mega switching, super switching, rotary switching, treble boost/solo switching, blend pots, push pull pots, stacked concentric pots, and much more !!! Plus you will learn everything you've ever wanted to know about 4-wire humbuckers that fit into your standard strat pickguard. Also includes audio files of the hot rod techniques.