Beliefs, Emotions, and the Creation of Reality: New Teachings from Jesus
Beliefs are very powerful shapers of reality. They can create a heaven on earth or a hell. We have the power to be happy because we have the ability to choose what we believe. However, until we realize that we have this power, our beliefs are likely to make us unhappy, because the beliefs, or conditioning, we were given and the beliefs we have acquired along the way largely misrepresent reality. If we are not aware of what we believe and not aware that we have a choice about what we believe, then our life will be shaped by those mistaken and limiting beliefs, and we will be a passive recipient of the results of those beliefs rather than a conscious co-creator of our life.
Beliefs, Emotions, and the Creation of Reality explores the exciting arena of creation: how beliefs determine our internal reality and, consequently, our external reality; how beliefs that stem from the ego and our conditioning distort our perception of ourselves, others, and reality; and specific ways to move beyond these distorted perceptions to a clearer perception of reality and therefore greater happiness and fulfillment. Beliefs, Emotions, and the Creation of Reality was dictated to Gina Lake by Jesus. It is one in a trilogy of books by Jesus, which includes Love and Surrender and Choice and Will. The books in the trilogy can be read in any order. They are also available in a single volume called The Jesus Trilogy.