The 2014 edition of the U.S. News Best Colleges guidebook offers comprehensive advice for high school students and their families on researching all the options and choosing the best colleges for them. Find out how what strategies you should think about now to increase your chances for getting a job later and how to come up with the funds you'll need to pay for college. You will also get our new exclusive college rankings of various types of colleges. Discover the country's best universities, liberal arts colleges, regional colleges and universities, historically black colleges and universities, and undergraduate engineering programs and business programs Plus: A+ schools for B students Best Value Schools How online learning might affect you How 8 high school seniors made it in Take a road trip to colleges in Los Angeles, Wisconsin & Virginia A What To-Do List and When State-by-state directory profiling nearly 1,600 schools 11 Hot Majors With Strong Job Prospects Admissions Officers Speak Out: Application Mistakes To Avoid
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