Best Pressure Increasing Multi Setting Massager Handheld Shower Head
High Pressure Handheld Shower Head
Low Water Pressure Handheld
High Velocity Increase your water pressure
Self Cleaning / Low Flow
Fire Hydrant Spa Deluxe Plaza Massager Handheld Shower Head, with Dura stretch hose, was designed to solve your problems with low water pressure in your shower. This hand held is an improvement over our Massager Hand Held. This handheld shower head is like you are connected to a fire hydrant. The Massager Handheld provides consistent spray velocity, like a fire hose, over a wide range of water pressures for consistent performance and customer satisfaction (just like a day at the spa) - regardless of whether or not you are on a well or city water. You will get a stronger, more powerful and invigorating shower with a handheld then you ever thought possible. Before you say impossible you must try one. Watch it Working: