Beyond Time Travel - Exploring Our Parallel Worlds: Amazing Real Life Stories in the News (Time Travel Books Book 1)
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Beyond Time Travel - Exploring Our Parallel Worlds: Amazing Real Life Stories in the News (Time Travel Books Book 1)
The idea of parallel universes has come to the fore in recent years and is now considered by many to be one of our most exciting possibilities, not only in the realms of fantasy and science fiction entertainment, but also in the field of solid mainstream scientific theory.
The Many Worlds Interpretation The concept that our universe may not be the only universe, but that there are millions, billions, trillions - indeed an infinite amount - of other universes became a serious proposition for mainstream science in 1957 when the respected physicist Hugh Everett III came out with his Multiple Worlds Interpretation. In short, Everett suggested that the only way to explain certain strange phenomenon in quantum mechanics was that there had to be other universes existing parallel to our own. The ‘Many Worlds’ scenario in turn implies that all possible alternative histories are real, each representing an actual ‘world’ or ‘universe’. This means that everything that could possibly have happened in our past, but did not, has occurred in the past of some other universe or universes. The implications of ‘Many Worlds’ for each of us is astounding. It means that every one of us has not only a ‘twin’ existing right now in a parallel universe, but a countless number of twins in universes that expand in all directions infinitely, as well as backwards and forward in time! As astounding and outlandish as Hugh Everett’s Many Worlds Interpretation seems, a recent survey showed that the vast majority of physicists and scientists today accept it as ‘most likely true’ - in fact 83% of them, according to a recent survey of the world’s top 1,200 physicists.
Stories The fact that parallel universes is most likely a reality can explain a lot of strange phenomenon, and a lot of bizarre experiences as reported by every day, ordinary people. A lot of these stories have ended up in the mainstream media - and more than a few in the so-called ‘alternative media’. These stories range from the UFO phenomena to reports of contacts with fairy folk, or creatures so strange there is no precedent or explanation for them. Parallel universes have been frequently cited as a way to explain the elusiveness of Bigfoot. It also plays a role in the practice of remote viewing - the psychic spying technique developed by both U.S. Military and Soviet Union intelligence operations. Parallel universe theory may also explain some strange occurrences that simply defy category. In this book, we are going to explore some of those stories - those that made it into the mainstream media and, almost certainly, a few you have never heard about anywhere else.
Contents Include: * Unexpected Slips into Other Worlds * The Man from a Non-Existent Country * The Strange Tale of the Gadianton Canyon * Energy Sphere Transportation * Unexpected Slips from Other Worlds * Portals to Parallel Worlds * The Chocolate City * The Multiple Individual Experiencing a Multidimensional World