Big Dot of Happiness is It The Right Price – Baby Shower Game - 18 Count
Come on Down - And guess the cost of these baby items! The Price is Right game is a great way to get everyone in on the fun at your baby shower. Depending on your baby shower guests, you are bound to get a wide variety of answers for the listed items. The person closest to the grand total without going over wins! Your guests are going to love this fun and easy baby shower game. How to Play The Price is Right Baby Shower Game: Before the baby shower, shop for the items on the list and be sure to save your receipt! The items will make a great baby shower gift for the Mommy-to-Be after the game is over. During the game, hold up each item so guests know what brand and size you purchased. At the end read off the prices and finally, the total for the whole shopping list. The closest without going over wins!