Big Time Bid, a novel written by Bob Liguori, is the story of a stockcar racing team’s struggles and commitment to overcome setbacks, beat the competition, and make it to the big time. It’s about choices and relationships, love and competition, and bending the rules of racing and of life.
It’s 1979, and NASCAR racing is sill a sport peopled by weekend enthusiasts like driver Rick Venturi and his partner Ron Powers. They’re two “good ol’ boys†from the hills of Virginia who use their auto repair shop in suburban Maryland to fund their passion for racing. Mentored by racing legend, Richard Rhoads, they begin to taste success on the asphalt bullrings in Maryland and Virginia, hoping to make it to the big time circuit one day.
But just as Rick’s racing reputation begins to grow, he is injured in a serious crash. This causes a split with his sweetheart, Michelle, whose father doesn’t want her involved with a racecar driver. Without Michelle and with his racing future in doubt, Rick sinks into a deep depression, drinking and womanizing as he waits to see whether or not he can return to the track. Meanwhile, Michelle drifts into the arms of Rick’s racing nemesis, Johnny Stefanic, who lures her into his dark world.
Drawing on his racing experiences spanning 30 years, Bob Liguori has created a dramatic, nostalgic journey into the lives of the men and women who helped build NASCAR into the world-class sport it is today.