BIOLOGIC BLIND SPOT FEEDER: 2 lb. bag of fast-growing seed blend for ground and duck blind concealment. Will grow 5-7 feet tall creating a visual barrier for food plots, stand entry, and blinds
WHEN TO PLANT: Biologic's Blind Spot needs 90-100 days of growth prior to a frost. Plant early to mid-June for locations in the North, and early to mid-July for locations in the South
PRIMARY USAGE: For concealment purposes during duck hunting season. Can also be planted to create cover barriers reducing visibility of food plots from roads & encourage deer movement toward stand
PLANTING DIRECTIONS: Recommended fertilizer: 300 - 500 lbs of 10-10-10 per acre. Soil pH: Between 5.0-8.0 prefers 6.2-7.0 Coverage: 16 lbs per acre Planting Depth <1/4 in See Planting Zone Map Image
BIOLOGIC: Born on research and proven with quality products. You can't control Mother Nature, but you can plant the finest seeds possible
BioLogic's new Blind Spot helps hunters conceal ground blinds and duck blinds by providing natural concealing foliage. Plant Blind Spot where you anticipate placing blinds and the cover will be there when hunting season arrives. Can also be planted in strips to create barriers to reduce visibility of plots from roads and create cover to encourage deer movement towards your stands. After maturity, Blind Spot also drops seed waterfowl and turkeys love.