Tony Duran, un extrano forastero, nacido en Puerto Rico, educado como un norteamericano en Nueva Jersey, fue asesinado a comienzos de los anos setenta en un pueblo de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Antes de morir, Tony ha sido el centro de la atencion de todos. Habia llegado siguiendo a las bellas hermanas Belladona, las gemelas Ada y Sofia, hijas de una de las principales familias del lugar. Las conocio en Atlantic City, y urdieron un feliz trio sexual y sentimental hasta que una de ellas, Sofia, deserto del juego de los casinos y de los cuerpos. Y Tony Duran continuo con Ada, y la siguio cuando ella volvio a la Argentina, donde encontro su muerte. / Tony Duran, a mysterious foreigner born in Puerto Rico and educated as an American in New Jersey, is murdered at the beginning of the 70s in a village in the province of Buenos Aires. Before dying, Tony had caught the eye of everyone around him: admired, observed, different, but also fascinating. He had arrived with the beautiful Belladona sisters, the twins Ada and Sofia, daughters of one of the most important families in the area. He had met them in Atlantic City, where they formed a happy menage a trois, until one of them, Sofia, «perhaps the weakest and the most sensitive», escapes from their torrid game of casinos and flesh. But Tony Duran continues his affair with Ada, following her when she returns to Argentina, where he meets his end.