"BLENDER 3D tutorials Vol. 1" is a Kindle document containing the text versions (with screenshots) of 13 videotutorials about Blender 3D published on CG-Tutorials.com youtube account:
1. Blender 3D and Unity tutorial - Parenting and rotating objects - The tank 2. Nodes Compositing - Why is the Z Depth output a white image? 3. Blender 3D and Cycles - Red blood cells in a blood vessel 4. How to model a drill bit (Bezier Circle, Screw, Bridge) 5. A way to model a fan or a marine propeller 6. UV mapping, texturing, and rendering a box in Blender 3D 7. UV unwrapping - Marking seams to texturize a missile 8. Nodes Compositing tutorial - Defocus and Specular Highligths 9. Blender 3D and Cycles - A 6 faces dice 10. Saturn in Blender 3D tutorial - Part 1 of 2 11. Saturn in Blender 3D tutorial - Part 2 of 2 12. Jacob's Ladder electric arc – Hook, Wave, Compositing 13. Cycles tutorial - Old Fashioned
The document is for those who have watched the videotutorials, found them "good", and want a text version of them... or, maybe, want to thank the author of the videos.