Bobbi Boss Synthetic Hair Lace Front Wig MLF184 Yara Bang (1B)
Bobbi Boss Synthetic Hair Lace Front Wig MLF184 Yara Bang
Lace Front wigs give you the most natural hairline with an ear-to-ear lace finish. Each hair strand on the lace is individually hand-knotted, allowing the look and movement of natural hair in a wide spectrum of dazzling colors and elegant styles.
1. Gently brush the wig thoroughly with a wig comb to remove any tangles.
2. Use a wig shampoo to wash inside of the cap where it meets your forehead and the nape area to remove oil and sweat. Then apply the wig shampoo to the hair using a wig brush. Be sure to brush in one direction.
3. After washing, apply a cream-type detangling conditioner in the same manner as the wig shampoo. Rinse with running lukewarm water.
4. Blot excess water with a towel, then air-dry your wig on a wig stand.