Counterfeiting has been a problem for far too long. It is time to fight back! ROIDTEST is your rapid at-home steroid testing solution. Similar to the presumptive field test kits used by law enforcement to identify illegal drugs, it produces specific color reactions upon contact with different anabolic steroids. Just place a few drops of liquid, or a small scraping of pill powder, into the provided testing vials, and in moments you will learn if the listed steroid is present. No longer do you have to rely solely on guesswork and word-of-mouth. These 2-step tests are fast, inexpensive, and reliable, and embody the very latest advances in drug reagent technology. Developed as part of an ongoing collaboration between William Llewellyn (ANABOLICS author) and an accredited forensics laboratory. This test kit checks for the presence of Boldenone (Decanoate, Undecylenate) in oil. Utilizes a 2-point STEROID ID colorimetric fingerprint for increased testing accuracy and reliability. Contains: One 2-Step Single-Use Test (2 Ampules)