The Book of Satanic Magic contains powerful Satanic Rites, Rituals,Conjurations, Spells and Invocations used by those who worship Satan.This book also contains the Satanic Theology of Darkness of the LeftHand Path and Demonic Invocations.
Author Aleister Nacht is a Satanic Magus and leader of a regionalcoven comprising of numerous groups located in Florida. With a modernview of Satanism, he brings the darkness to life in a very tangiblemanner. His books have found favor with a multitude of searcherscrossing all demographic and geographic boundaries.
With an easy to read "how to" approach, Nacht manages to offersearchers an alternative based upon truth and reason....instead ofhypocritical religious rhetoric and lies.
You can find more information about Aleister Nacht and Satanism on his website at