Ulrike Welsch's career as a photographer in and of Boston is a rainbow spanning the Impossible Dream and the Big Dig. Her images have the same reach-from 1960s-vintage black-and-whites that glimpse the spirit of the city as only a newcomer can to breathtaking full-color cityscapes taken since 2001. Boston Rediscovered is truly a rediscovery. For Uli herself, who has worked freelance since 1981 and has accumulated an archive of over 60,000 images from travels worldwide, returning to photograph Boston at the turn of the millennium was a special treat. Old sites look new, while many other sites are simply new. (Quincy Markets, the Holocaust memorial, and the Zakim bridge are three of the installations since the 1960s.) For the reader-city dweller as well as visitor-Boston Rediscovered is a way of seeing one of the world's great cities afresh: its buildings, its vistas, and especially its people. ""Ulrike Welsch stands among the stars of Boston photographers. . . . [Her] photographs are a wonderful play of colors, of people, of places, and-above all-of the joy and happiness that a beautiful city can bring to its many guests and residents. Capturing these images-which Uli does magnificently-is a rare gift."" -from the foreword by William O. Taylor, Chairman Emeritus, Boston Globe