Buck Bomb Scrape Generator is a 1 inch wide, 14 inch long piece of material soaked with Buck Fever's 100% Synthetic Forehead Gland Scent. Attracts both Buck and Does to your hunting area year round.
Conduct pre season scouting using, The Buck Bomb Scrape Generator with trail cameras to catalog deer in your hunting area before the season opens.
The Buck Bomb Scrape Generator is fueled by Buck Fever Synthetic Scents, the leading synthetic scent provider on the market today.
The Buck Bomb Scrape Generator re-activates with moisture from rain, morning dew, deer saliva, and humidity.
The Buck Bomb Scrape Generator encourages bucks to Generate scrapes prior to normal rutting activity.
The Buck Bomb Scrape Generator is designed to hang from exisiting licking branches over scrapes, it can also be hung on branches over mock scrapes to attract bucks and does to your hunting area. The unique synthetic forehead gland formula is provided by Buck Fever Synthetic Scents and is re-activated with moisture from rain, morning dew, deer saliva, or humidity. Scent left on licking branches permit bucks to convey social dominance, create your own social sign post with, "The Scrape Generator."