"A book from a person perfectly tuned in to what a CEO can offer any and every business owner. The book takes a range of more than two dozen top CEO's and asks them to answer the questions most relevant to a business. I appreciated that this book wasn't aimed at those fascinated with the lifestyles of CEOs, but came from a perspective where the nuts and bolts of business is the key to the value of the information. This isn't a book for entertainment purposes. It's for those who have or are going to start a business, and should a part of every workday." (Brian)
CEO School contains the collective wisdom of 25 CEOs from globally dominating corporations. In a matter of hours, you can take a whirlwind tour of the upper echelons of the business world, meeting with some of the greatest business minds of recent times and soaking up the most important advice they have to offer. It is all contained, right here, in the pages of this book: everything you need to know to achieve phenomenal success as a CEO, straight from the mouths of those who have blazed the trail ahead of you. 25 CEOs - 125 pieces of invaluable advice - 1 short book - a lifetime of success.