*PLEASE NOTE* This is not advertised as a content-centered text for the CNIM. People are failing this test because they are looking for cheat sheets on content rather than relying on reputable material. This is a guide to help navigate that material, absorb it, and perform well on the test.
Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring (IOM) is an emerging field, and as such the certification process is far from standardized.
This book is primarily for those entering the field of IOM as a guide to prepare effectively for the Certification in Neurophysiological Intraoperative Monitoring (CNIM) exam. Those established in the field may also find helpful information on where to find supporting research and how to absorb the large amount of text available.
With the explained methods, aspiring surgical neurophysiologists will be able to navigate the confusing abundance of information thrown at them in an organized and understandable manner.