CTS-160, 160A TIG-Torch, 140A Stick Arc Welder & 30A Plasma Cutter 3-in-1 Combo Welding
CTS-160 is a new digitally controlled 40 amps Plasma Cutter, 160 amps TIG torch and 140 amps Stick Arc 3-in-1 Combo Welding Machine. Designed for portable repair work and small business project use, it is ideal for a welding enthusiast or hobbyist with basic repair needs and general light welding requirements. 10-30A Plasma Cutter ideal cuts a thickness of 2/5 in.; the max severance thickness 1/2 in. 15-160A TIG Torch compact welder has everything you could ask for in the way of features for welding which includes. If you want to weld Steel, Chrome Moly, Stainless, Titanium, or any other metal can be welded with DC output. 15-140A DC Stick/Arc electric current output, easy Arc start, stable welding Arc, deep weld pool, and beautiful welding shape are suitable for welding with different kinds of acid or basic electrode. Specifications: Type: Plasma Cutter, TIG-Torch, Stick/Arc 3-in-1 Combo Welding, Supply Power: 115V/230V/60Hz/1-Phase, Current Range: Plasma Cutter: 115V/230V/10-30A, TIG Torch: 230V/15-160A & 115V/15-130A, STICK ARC: 230V/15-140A & 115V/15-130A, Output,104F(40C): Plasma Cutter: 30A/92V, TIG Torch: 160A/16.4V, STICK ARC: 140A/25.6V, Rated Input Current: Plasma Cutter: 15A/230V & 30A/115V, TIG Torch: 14.3A/230V & 21.5A/115V, STICK ARC: 19.5A/230V & 35.6A/115V, Duty Cycle: Plasma Cutter: 60% at 30A & 100% at 23.2A, TIG Torch: 60% at 160A & 100% at 124A, STICK ARC: 60% at 140A & 100% at 108.4A, Nominal DC Open Circuit Voltage: 58V, Efficiency: 85%, Power factor: 0.93, Output Terminal Type: Direct Wire, Cooling Method: Fan Air Cooled. Includes: CTS-160 Plasma Cutter/TIG/Stick 3-in-1 Combo Welding, 13 Feet Plasma Cutter Gun with Assembly, 13 Feet TIG-Torch Gun with Assembly, 11 Feet 350A Electrode Holder with Cable, 11 Feet 630A Work Clamp with Cable, 8 Feet Argon Gas Hose, 115V & 230V Power Adapter, 2 Pieces of Tungsten Needles 3/64 in., 2 Pieces of Tungsten Needles 5/64 in., 2 pieces of Electrode 1/8 in., 2 pieces of Electrode 3/32 in. Instruction Manual.