Golf stories are funny, caddie stories are hilarious! Caddy Tales is proof of this statement. Scott has done an outstanding job of putting a few of his actual caddying experiences on paper which allows the reader to feel like they are sitting in the same room reliving the stories.
These tales capture the comedy that ensues when players from all walks of life take a caddie. Read about the million dollar hole in one prize. Check out the golf present that a billionaire gets for their birthday. Find out what happens when a caddie gets run over by a golf cart. Recap the round in which the highest score was ever recorded for a round of golf. Get the real reason why a professional caddie had to spend $509.00 to change his nickname. Meet the angriest golfer ever to walk on this planet. And of course see who wins the Zero Gravity prize valued at $ 25,000.00 for the closest to the pin during the Member/Guest tournament . Without a doubt, one of the funniest golf books ever written.