Ideal for waxing larger areas of the body such as arms and legs
Thanks to naturally occurring alpha hydroxy acids and botanical extracts, a treatment with Turkeys
Original and best microwaveable warm wax will leave your body hair free and super smooth
1 - Remove plastic wrapping. 2 - Unscrew cap, remove lid. Remove plastic cover. 3 - Obtain (preferably) a wooden applicator stick or a flat surface product - when I was desperate I used a flat knife. But be careful because metals do get hot. 4 - Now, there are two choices. You can either microwave the product or put it in a low simmering hot water pot. If microwaved, do it in small increments of 30-45 seconds. Stir with the applicator until easy to stir and at desired consistency. Repeat the procedure if in the water. If using this procedure be careful not to spill any water in the product. The more fluid you see it, the hotter it is. BE VERY CAREFUL. I have burned myself badly once (out of stupidity) but it was not fun. 5 - No water should be in contact with the product. It changes the consistency of the product and can easily bruise the skin if not applied probably. 6 - Once the consistency and the temperature is at the desired level; using the applicator, spread an even and thin amount in the opposite direction of the hair growth, on the skin for hair removal. 7 - Try not to use the product in a hot room, with the body's own temperature; the product can get too warm and loose its consistency possibly bruising the skin. 8 - Once you spread the product, use a piece of cloth to bind to the product. Rub it on the product a few times to ensure it sticks to the cloth. 9 - Grab the corner of one side of the cloth, and pull out firmly to remove hair. DO NOT wait too long. 10 - May have to do a few more applications if all hair is not removed. This product is completely natural.