Can I Retire Yet?: How to Make the Biggest Financial Decision of the Rest of Your Life
You've worked hard, lived carefully, and saved diligently. You've reached major milestones and accumulated more assets than you dreamed possible, and yet you hesitate. “Can I retire?†This book will help answer that question by showing you….
The tools you need to live a secure and independent retirement, without worrying about money
What you must know before leaving a career behind
How much it will cost you to live in retirement, and how to manage your cash flow
The current choices for retirement health care, including lesser-known but effective options
The threat from inflation: two secrets that politicians and bankers will never admit
A realistic assessment of the impact that income taxes will have on your retirement
Social Security’s role in your retirement: when you should claim and how much it’s worth to you
How to construct and manage an investment portfolio for income and growth in retirement
About immediate annuities and why you need multiple sources of retirement income
The key variables and unknowns in your retirement withdrawal equation
Reviews of the best retirement calculators, and tips for how to use them accurately
Beyond the simplistic 4% Rule to the latest research on safe withdrawal rates
Realistic bracketing of your retirement savings needs, without over caution or overconfidence
The history of economic cycles and the related asset classes for optimal retirement security
A survey of strategies plus original research for how to orchestrate your retirement distributions
A practical retirement fuel gauge alerting you to problems while you still have time to act
Backup plans: the lifeboat strategies for ensuring you'll never be without essential income
The 6 crucial questions to answer before you can retire
The one, simple, powerful, non-financial reason that you can and should retire earlier than later