Smart insulation cover and barrier for recessed can lights
Creates a safe heat and fire barrier
Eliminates recessed ceiling light drafts
Pops open in seconds installs easily in minutes
Immediate and long term energy conservation and cost savings
More than a recessed light cover, CanCoverIt provides an effective barrier between can light fixtures and insulation in your attic. The patent-pending CanCoverIt safely improves can light energy efficiency and provides a total home insulation envelope solution. The new Low Profile model for IC-style can lights seals off airflow without the need for messy adhesives, spray foams or tapes. Just like the Universal Series, the Low Profile CanCoverIt installs easily in minutes and provides a lifetime of energy and cost savings. The Low Profile series completes the CanCoverIt insulation solution by providing a safe and effective way to insulate IC-Style recessed lighting fixtures.
Dimensions when open: 14"x14"x11.5"
*The Low Profile series is for use ONLY with IC-rated recessed lighting fixtures. Not for use with Non-IC can lights.