***Plus, As a Special Thank-you for Downloading this Box Set Today, You Will Receive a FREE Future Release Bonus Book Offer***
Here's what you'll get with this three book package:
A Simple, Easy to Follow 5 Step Candida Diet Solution Guide
✔What you need to know about candida
✔Digestive detox with your diet
✔Killing the candida overgrowth
✔How to improve your immune system for the long-term
✔How to get and keep the 'good' bacteria into your digestive tract
✔Effectively managing the symptoms of healing candida
✔Tips and strategies for sticking with the candida diet
A Simple Candida Cleanse Program to Help Restore Your Health Naturally in 14 Days
✔What exactly is Candida?
✔The 4 different kinds of Candida infection
✔Risk factors for Candida overgrowth
✔How does Candida overgrowth impact our bodies?
✔Why doctors frequently misdiagnose Candida infections
✔Treating Candida with conventional and alternative methods
✔14 Day Plan to eliminate Candida
✔Candida FAQ's
✔Key Takeaways from this book
✔List of Resources
Effective, All-Natural Solutions to Overcome Candida Infection within 30 Days
✔Get to know the "form" that resides within
✔What are the causes of candida albicans?
✔Symptoms to different diseases brought on by bacteria
✔30 day treatment plan
✔Foods to avoid or limit during the candida treatment
Would you like to know more?
Scroll to the top of the page and select the "buy" button to instantly download your copy today.