Canna Hemp Energy Drink – Original – 12 Pack – Organic Energy – Omega-3s – All Natural Flavors, Colors and Sweeteners – 50 mg of REAL Hemp Seed oil – Vegan & Gluten Free – Damn Tasty!!
We scour the world to find the finest ingredients with the highest efficacy and safety standards. We experiment tirelessly until we get it right. We never use artificial colors or flavors and our drinks have as low as 40 calories per bottle. Blu-Berry Lite is 40 calories per bottle, Mango is 160 calories per bottle, and Original is 150 calories per bottle.
Canna Energy drinks offer great taste with great benefits! Simply put, there is nothing else like Canna Energy. You share your challenges and we work tirelessly to find nature-derived dietary ingredients in effective drink solutions that help to make your days and nights the best they can be. CANNA ENERGY IS NECESSARY!
In a fast-paced world, Canna Energy drinks help to level the playing field. Whether your challenge is running a company or a household, Canna Energy can help make your days better.HOW ABOUT SOME HEMP!
When the modern person thinks of what they run on, hemp isn't usually the first thing to come to mind. We may picture protein powders or coffee, but hemp? Not the typical answer. Yet hemp has been a staple of mankind for centuries! The American society has run on hemp since it's founding days with hemp fiber making up cloth, ropes, and paper. Hemp was considered a staple of the economy, and not only supporting industry, either: hemp seeds have also been consumed en masse to fuel the bodies and minds of humanity!Money back taste and energy guarantee