The Revell Empire, one of the most powerful and wealthy nations in the world, its power based on a strong, aristocratic society that holds male supremacy as their central tenant, each aristocrat maintaining and leading a large court of women dedicated to his service. In the Empire’s sphere of influence run the Crimson Pirates, an all-female band of seagoing rebels who live free, raiding ships and towns for treasure and profit, their very existence and freedom making them a symbol of rebellion and opposition to the empire’s very existence.
Chris, Third Prince of the Empire has spent weeks now in the hands of the crimson pirates, slowly seducing the free-spirited beauties one by one, even expanding his plans to include his fellow captive hostages. Now all that remains is to claim his final prize, Nera, the crimson haired captain of the pirates herself, the runaway daughter of one of the empire’s high nobles, and thereby complete the assembly of Chris’s court…
Capturing the Pirates Part 4: The Prince’s Court is a 15000 word story of erotic fantasy, for readers eighteen and older, enjoy.