Approximately 54,000 words. When fate draws together the lives of two young women, their mutual attraction quickly flourishes into a bond which threatens the boundaries of social etiquette in 1860’s Styria. As their relationship continues to develop further, they remain oblivious to the growing horror which surrounds them, as throughout the province other young women begin dying in mysterious circumstances. Meanwhile, others are falling victim to the apparently random attacks of a rampaging pack of wolves. When, finally the truth is revealed, the scene is set for a battle between two ancient evils. Years before the publication of Bram Stoker's Dracula, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu produced a haunting gothic mystery called Carmilla. David Brian has used much of the original narrative to create a very different version of Carmilla. Introducing an array of new characters, and touching on subjects which would have been considered taboo in the 1800's, Brian has succeeded in bringing a whole new level of horror, and tragedy, to the legend of Carmilla.