Cash Is King: Investing in REIT Preferreds to Generate Long-term Income
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Cash Is King: Investing in REIT Preferreds to Generate Long-term Income
Here is your road map to uncovering a little known treasure: the Preferred stock of Real Estate Investment Trusts. Although they have been around since the 1990s, REITs have had limited visibility in the marketplace. More important, they have seldom been recognized as a superior strategy for the bulge bracket age group the 55 to 65 year olds who are looking for a limited risk but solid return on their investment. If you are an active investor or a financial advisor, you will find here the tools and steps to allow you to include REIT Preferreds as a successful income-generating part of any investment portfolio. Some parts of the strategy are not intuitive, but anyone with modest investing experience should be able to execute it with ease.