"Dispatch No. 5 is "The Chicago "L's Great Steel Fleet - The Baldies" by Bruce G. Moffat. This 64-page publication (16 pages in color) is now available. 8.5x11", charts, tables, map, pictures throughout. 2014. "In the early 20th Century, overwhelmed with riders, managers of Chicago's elevated railways were faced with two huge challenges, an insufficient car fleet and tremendous congestion on the Loop. Through routing of trains and terminals short of the Loop eased the congestion. Providing sufficient rolling stock resulted in ordering the famous fleet of 4000s, 250 of which were called 'Baldies' due to their bare steel arched roofs. These Baldies were delivered during 1914 and 1915. "Now in Dispatch 5, 100 years after the delivery of the first cars, Bruce Moffat discusses what was then a revolutionary car design with rolled steel components. Their 50-year service life testifies to the durability of these cars."