It's a Wonderful Christmas: The Best of the Holidays 1940-1965
Under the Tree: The Toys and Treats That Made Christmas Special, 1930-1970
Midcentury Christmas: Holiday Fads, Fancies, and Fun from 1945 to 1970
Have Yourself a Very Vintage Christmas: Crafts, Decorating Tips, and Recipes, 1920s-1960s
A Very Vintage Christmas: Holiday Collecting, Decorating and Celebrating
Midcentury Christmas Stocking Stuffer Edition (Stocking Stuffer Edition)
A Century of Christmas Memories, 1900-1999
Christmas in the Movies: 30 Classics to Celebrate the Season (Turner Classic Movies)
The Boomer Book of Christmas Memories
Kitschmasland!: Christmas Decor from the 1950s to the 1970s