Clement Faugier Creme De Marrons De L'ardeche Chestnut Spread - (4 PACK)
A very common snack all over France: A crepe filled with creme de marrons
Crème de marrons is made from natural ingredients: chestnuts, vanilla, sugar and water
Eaten with yogurt, ice cream and many other sweets throughout France
Imported From France
Trying to find a way to recycle the debris from these sweets, Faugier created his own recipe for crème de marrons. The factory has been churning out the stuff ever since and it has become a popular food, eaten with yogurt, ice cream and many other sweets throughout France Crème de marrons is made from 100 percent natural ingredients: chestnuts, vanilla, sugar and waterA very common snack all over France: A crepe filled with creme de marrons (sometimes with some chocolate sauce and/or whipped cream). A staple in any cold weather and in ski resorts too.