Climate Change Reality Check: Basic Facts that Quickly Prove the Global Warming Crusade is Wrong and Dangerous
In all of the debate and discussion about climate change, why hasn’t anyone explained the science in plain and simple terms clear enough to understand--once and for all?
“Great [analysis]. Just the right amount of science. Common sense and rational.†-- Wayne R.
The greenhouse effect is always quoted—but that is a METAPHOR. What is the fundamental physical process that drives it?
And how exactly does human activity play such a powerful role with it?
How did we go from worrying about global warming to climate change…to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions?
“Wonderful [book]! Best I’ve ever read on any debate. Real science that can be replicated = reality.†– Scott D.
Are there gases more powerful and influential in the greenhouse effect than CO2?
Yes, by a lot! As you will learn in this book…
Why aren’t we spending more time, money, and attention focusing on those?
Smart people want to get to the point of a problem and solve it as quickly, inexpensively, and effortlessly as possible. They know about the Pareto Principle, and you will too after you read this book. It is also called the 80/20 rule. What happens when we apply that principle to the global climate change “consensus�
“Thank You! I always thought the numbers were small, but I never took the time to do the math.†-- Mike S.
There are many books that are long, technical, and—frankly, irrelevant—on the topic of climate change. Here are the most important questions that nobody has bothered to answer in straightforward, simple and short language, until now:
* What are basic facts about our planet’s atmosphere? And what do they tell us about the fundamental physics of climate change?
* What are the basic physics and assumptions behind the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) hypothesis or belief? Are they valid?
* What element or compound is the single greatest factor in temperature control in our atmosphere? Hint—it isn’t carbon dioxide. How does carbon dioxide compare with this other chemical?
Written by an engineer and project manager who has a ruthless (yet entertaining) desire to get to the core truth of the subject so that we can all tackle the problem that really matters, this book is the first to strip away all of the nonsense and irrelevant discussions about climate change debate.
“Brilliant, what a refreshing approach.†-- Christopher K.
Before we spend more time, money, and emotional energy on the presumed EFFECTS and CONSEQUENCES of global warming and climate change (things like rising temperatures, rising sea levels, etc., etc.), shouldn’t we all have a BASIC UNDERSTANDING of the FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES AND PHYSICS of our planet’s atmosphere?
If you have any questions, or doubts about that, this book is for you.
“Very good. I am a geophysicist.†-- Ben B.
Even better, you’ll learn (or re-learn) a very simple and indisputable fact about our atmosphere that makes the entire controversy look ridiculous. Use this information as a test (or a bet) the next time you talk with someone on the “other side†of the climate change debate.
“A very useful contribution to bringing sanity and reason back to the analysis of AGW.†– Tom P.
The climate change threat is consuming more of our precious time, energy, and resources. So is the debate about what to do about it. Don’t allow yourself be a part of the problem—get this book so that you can be a part of the solution!
If you are convinced that AGW is the biggest threat facing our planet, this book has facts and arguments you need to consider. The author honestly invites you to challenge the assumptions and disprove the conclusions. What will your response be when you hear others state the indisputable and basic facts presented in this book?
“Brilliant treatise. Worthy of a PhD dissertation.†– Marc T.
“Great [publication]. Thanks for the effort, it [is] simplified enough that most should understand.†-- Owen B.