Collecting The M1 GARAND II by J. C. Harrison This is a comprehensive guide to collecting the M1 Garand rifle. Detailing the development of the rifle with detailed drawings showing the differences in parts found on original "as manufactured" rifles. A must have for first time as well as seasoned collector. It will help determine which parts, drawing numbers, proof marks, and cartouches that belong on a particular rifle based on serial number, manufacturer, and date of manufacture. It covers all M1 Garands built between 1936 and 1965: U.S. Rifle, Cal. .30, M1, M1C, M1D, M1NM, as well as the Navy .308 versions. Included is a clear cartouche overlay which will prove invaluable in determining the authenticity of acceptance and proof stamps on stocks. I have used this guide personally for years, carry it to gun shows, gun stores, anywhere I plan to examine a Garand for originality and value. Clearly organized, easy to use you won't be disappointed.