Translated into many languages, this book was in continuous use as the standard university-level text for a quarter-century, until it was revised and enlarged by the author in 1952. World-renowned writer and researcher Nathan Altshiller-Court (1881–1968) was a professor of mathematics at the University of Oklahoma for more than thirty years. His revised introduction to modern geometry offers today's students the benefits of his many years of teaching experience.
The first part of the text stresses construction problems, proceeding to surveys of similitude and homothecy, properties of the triangle and the quadrilateral, and harmonic division. Subsequent chapters explore the geometry of the circle — including inverse points, orthogonals, coaxals, and the problem of Apollonius and triangle geometry, focusing on Lemoine and Brocard geometry, isogonal lines, Tucker circles, and the orthopole. Numerous exercises of varying degrees of difficulty appear throughout the text.