ABOUT THE CD: The CD-ROM contains CAD and rendering software, CAD models, robot fighting videos and printable tables filled with useful information for all robot builders. Rhino3D is a computer aided design (CAD) program and provides the tools to accurately model your designs ready for rendering, animation, drafting, engineering, analysis, and manufacturing. (Evaluation version) Flamingo is a raytracing program that provides photometrically accurate images with reflections, refraction, diffusion, translucency, transparency, color bleeding, shadows, depth of field, depth attenuation, ClearFinish(TM), and indirect lighting. (Evaluation version) The robot fighting videos are some of the best fight clips available from the NC Robot StreetFight. The CAD models include a full representation of Dagoth, the thirty pound bot constructed in Combat Robots Complete. This particular model shows Dagoth's upgrade plans from a wedge bot with spike to a vertical spinner bot with a secondary wedge.