Conquest of Earth (Stellar Conquest Series Book 4)
Poised to reconquer humanity's home, Captain Absen and Conquest are confronted with a new enemy that upsets the balance of power and changes everything EarthFleet expected. Their struggle to free Earth becomes instead a desperate battle for sheer survival as they contemplate the unthinkable: total annihilation.
Plague Wars: Decade One
- The Eden Plague
- Reaper's Run
- Skull's Shadows
- Eden's Exodus
- Apocalypse Austin
- Nearest Night
Plague Wars: Alien Invasion
- The Demon Plagues
- The Reaper Plague
- The Orion Plague
- Cyborg Strike
- Comes the Destroyer
- Forge and Steel
Plague Wars: Stellar Conquest
- First Conquest
- Desolator: Conquest
- Tactics of Conquest
- Conquest of Earth
- Conquest and Empire