Consistent Tee Beveled Bio Degradable 3-1/4" 10 Pack Tees
There are already so many things to think about during your round, why make tee height one of them? The USGA compliant Consistent Tee takes the guess work out of teeing up your ball so you can just concentrate on your game. The Consistent Tee is a 3-1/4" tee with a protruding washer-like bevel halfway from the tip, allowing you to always tee the ball 1-9/16" off the ground. This is the ideal location for the new larger-headed drivers. This height encourages a shallow approach and optimizes the launch angle and back spin on your drives. Durable and biodegradable, Consistent Tees are built to last while being good for the environment. Easy to set into the ground. 10-packs are available in Black, Orange, Pink or White. Remember a consistent shot starts with a Consistent Tee.