Contemporary Cayce: A Complete Exploration Using Today's Philosophy and Science
Authors Kevin J. Todeschi and Henry Reed have studied, applied, and taught the Cayce material for decades. Using contemporary language that speaks to our time, the authors cover twenty-four major topics from the readings and explore the material given from Cayce in light of what we know today in modern science, philosophy, and physics. Topics include:
The Purpose of Life
Akashic Records
Relationships: Families and Soul Mates
Meditation, Prayer, and Affirmations
Earth Changes
Dealing with Fear
Holistic Healing
Our Psychic Nature
Dreaming for Guidance
Working with Ideals
and More!
Whether you are new to Edgar Cayce or have studied the readings for years, this modern, comprehensive look at his material speaks to where humankind is today in a way that has never before been explored and without the sometimes difficult-to-understand language of the readings. The authors offer new insights and wisdom that is applicable to your life today.